dr nick death

And if there is nothing suspicious about a death, that is itself suspicious. Those who received standard treatment lived more than a year, and in a few cases, several. I have known 10 people close to me who have followed the orthodox oncology route and they all died within 4 years of treatment. Everyone close to him is shocked of his passing, knowing that he was in excellent health. Or maybe that "solo hiking trip" is a cover story for some other activity he wants to keep quiet, like spending quality time with his mistress. If youre able to identify any, Id of course be happy to give it all due attention. Until then, he had been in excellent health. However, that is not to say that they be regarded as ineffective. I know from similar experience that chemo can be painful and straining and hard, but so is cancer - and to me it seems more so. The way to get it accepted is not to berate those who point to that data. And the answer is, it is plausible - from an insightless perspective. Hors d'Oeuvre and canaps yes, cancer no. And if that were Orac had done you'd have the beginnings of an argument. I would sit in awe, my jaw literally agape, in his office reviewing his charts of cure after cure after cure. It doesn't speak well to your intelligence that you cannot figure out who Orac is, and your rant is utterly laughable. Just sayin'. In other words Gonzalez had his own special set of results from the trial; all his collaborators on the trial were lying when they published survival plots in which the Gonzalez patients died early; in Gonzalez' own results, his patients lived longer, but for some reason he never published those results, preferring to keep them in his office and show them only to patients. 4) He was involved in the Columbia study that appeared to indicate that doing his therapy was worth less than doing nothing when it came to treating humans with pancreatic cancer, (which I find totally not believable). Alternative cure doctors are far better and treat the whole body, mind and spirit. But I am sure you will find a way to discount what I have just written as you and everyone here are determined to find fault with the treatment. But he did not help others, his own research proved that. Can You Sell Alternative Foods Without The Organic Playbook Of Tearing Down Competitors? He died suddenly at home of unknown causes. You have no personality, you think you know but are only regurgitating information you heard or read. @ Orac: LOS ANGELES It has been widely reported that Elvis Presley died in 1977 from cardiac arrhythmia, an irregular heartbeat, possibly brought on by drug dependency, obesity and a weak heart. Stop trying to be woo woo police because your just beating up your ownselves and stunting true growth in society around you. A hearty congrats to you. Don't worry folks, Jesus Christ himself will, one day, "throw the 'trash' into the incinerator (a.k.a. The things we believe are appropriate to share publicly include these facts: There is currently no evidence of foul play in his death. And all those other times alt med cures were found to be invalid. I was the only one she told as it was to be kept confidential I am one who truly believe that a cure for cancer is here, however, if revealed and initiated, they would lose billions in revenue. Orac has been cynically dismissive of Gonzalez without making any serious attempt at understanding or critiquing the trophoblastic science behind the program for years now and even continues to do so at the time of his death. Jim K, provide the PMID of that study so those words can be seen in context. The central group of medical scammers announced a few years ago that to work properly, their purported chemical needs to be mixed with olive oil (more specifically, with oleic acids). I haven't seen many episodes, but this one I did, and it made a lasting impression. When I'm about 85% sure all you "woo woo fighters" are just biased liars (especially to yourselves) who do this just to feel more secure that they know the absolute truth when in reality you know absolutely nothing about the truth of the integrative approach in medicine. Physicians and pharma execs are not immune to the afflictions suffered by the rest of mankind. How many coffee enemas are you allowed to miss? We are not aware of whether an autopsy is being requested. Imagine Helena Bonham Carter at an awards show and you'll get the idea - not that I look anything like HBC. Like when you have a filling replaced without a local anaesthetic. - follow the money, My guess is Joseph has a PhD from PRN- which has the same value as the host's 'doctorate', ** as if we could separate medicine into parts- all SBM proceeds from the same basics of physio, anatomy, pharmacology etc. In fact, holistic medicine made up the core of medical schools curriculum. I really hope you know how horrible it is to rejoice and joke about people dieing. The nerve of us, not simply accepting extraordinary claims at face value! People have the right to use their own logic to decide the method of healing they would like to try. Pretty pathetic. This was after he talked her out of chemo / radio adjuvant treatment for metastases, instead prescribing the usual supplements and coffee per vas nefandum, while monitoring her condiiton with radionics and crank hair tests that metastasis-free. The very same day in Mexico, three doctors went missing and when their bodies were discovered the families said the bodies were not those of their missing family members, and despite that fact, the government declared them dead. He later took a job evaluating medical insurance claims by FedEx employees. really? It is based on a theory that makes no sense and has no evidence to support it. Up until now, the most prominent "victim" was autism quack, Jeff Bradstreet, who, according to police, committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest in the woods of North Carolina but who, according to antivaccine advocates and "autism biomed" quacks, must have been assassinated by a big pharma black ops team. Wrong. If someone came around with a sure cure for cancer (with scientific evidence) both of the above would lose their precious goat. I have had great success with a 1:1 mixture of bleach and ammonia, in a squirt bottle, pulsed at random intervals (to catch them off guard). The NIH info was wrong. PMID: 15097858. in "The Elvis Cover-Up 1979" -, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR2CFZ7WuGA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MOxteMFdnM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzKNJBIPTRw, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyKWLmi3wPo, "In the public eye - feelgood physicians", "Dr. Feelgoods and Their Celeb Patients: Who Needs Who? Look at survival rates using conventional medicine, look at how much money is made and it's not difficult to see what is going on here! I have to admit, this one is new to me. Actually, if anything, studying how the new wonder treatment is working is by itself worth decades of research. But the FDA evidently does. So the Bad Apple left him with a warning- watch where you walk at night, be suspicious of women who offer you love and don't be surprised if your career stalls whenever it seems ripe for blastoff. He was actually entertaining and the session really made sense because reading the songs was quite another thing from hearing them performed. and everyone gangs up on Gonzalez? Thanks for the chuckles. If I have to generalize, I'd wager that everyone on this planet is wrong about everyone's theory of mind. If you are well enough to give yourself repeated coffee enemas, take 70 or more capsules every day and spend the rest of your waking hours juicing or cleaning the juicer*, you are likely going to survive longer than someone who is not as well. "The assassination drugs? Today is the last day that ScienceBlogs will exist. @Herb - that trial is the best data to date of whether the protocol works. Deanna sounds like a dangerous person to be around. If you'd like to read the rest of the post and make comments of substance, please do. I SAW how the chemo ripped him to pieces, turning him from a strong-muscled former roofing contractor to such a weakling that he needed his two sons to hold him up because he did not have the strength to carry his own weight. what's really puzzling is why, if the conspirator's have the ability to commit murder either undetectably (in the case of Drs. When in reality you guys are probably collecting checks to fight quacks thus would truly be worse than quacks because your making money to intentionally hinder others that could otherwise help people. Oh, please pardon us for being biologists, physicians, etc, trying to figure out if the work of someone pretending to have a novel cancer cure has any value. Autopsy pending. Both botanical drugs, neither of which are synthetic, are available by prescription in the US: http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm333701.htm. Given that denial is the bedrock of alternative medicine, it's not surprising that alt-med types would fixate on and rationalize their denial rather than moving on through the rest of the stages as a healthy person would (let me see how many I can remember without looking it upI wanna say anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.)

One person in three is diagnosed with cancer every year? In the umbilical cord of a baby are over 200 toxins found. @sox: If you know of any safe and effective plant for the treatment of cancer, I have no doubt that many here would be eager to know about it. He actually published a case series in 1999 comparing eleven patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with his protocol with historical controls and concluding that his patients did much better. In 1979, the doctor was shot in the chest while watching a football game; he was not seriously injured. It's not like there is a government monopoly. The topic was an herbal tea and extract popularized as a treatment for cancer. Given developments in medicine over the past 40-50 years it is almost certain to be badly wrong. Enough of that. I wish the alt med union would get together to run their own studies to show how effective they are and not waste time on testimonials for things like how helpful plain water is. Don't say "latex"! I have no doubt that alt med might work better for hypochondriacs than science based medicine. I suppose getting strangled with umbilical cord is passe now. Comedian Nick Nemeroff died Monday, his family said in a statement mourning his "sudden passing." Nutty as the hypothetical question is (suggesting that there are miracle cures just waiting to be un-suppressed), it is even nuttier when applied to a pharma CEO, who would likely be in demand in myriad other businesses if his job at a drug company became obsolete. The problem is that these authorities[] are UNWILLING to allow any kind of testing of these alternative medicinals. The latest, apart from the liquid extract of cannabis, is yet another tropical American plant (Annona muricata). The Simpsons has killed off a few characters over the years, including Dr. Nick, the world's worst physician, but the writers soon brought him back. Shes the only one in this series whos not a doctorDC, MD, DObut she was a board certified Nurse Practitioner whose patients raved about her endlessly. Conversely, none of the alternative cancer treatments that have been tested (and that is pretty much all of them) are as effective as conventional treatment. Either that or Mike doesn't care if he alienates the "leftists" in his audience. On August 16, 1977, fans all over the world mourned the death of Elvis Presley at the age of 42. But everyone knows that succinct and conscientious individuals cannot be fooled by the "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" fallacy the way the rest of us poor humans can. You can start with the rhyme and reason of shooting coffee up the bum. KayMarie -- big pharma actually went to the trouble of getting Mr Riley implicated in the shooting of a former girlfriend, then, so the cops had a previous history to work from. etc. In science, even the sky is not the limit. This post is making fun of the conspiracy freaks like Mike Adams who insinuate that Dr. Gonzalez met his end due to the nefarious activity ofwell, it's not exactly clear whom. Are you just an ass or extremely naive. THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MARIE POSTING ON THIS THREAD. REAL medicine before Rockefeller and Carnegie began promoting petroleum-based medicines at the beginning of the 20th century, was based on natural, herbal, organic and effective remedies. He was found unconscious in the bathroom of his home and was rushed to the hospital where doctors attempted to revive him. His wife then updated the public that it didnt appear to be the case, and that they couldnt find a cause of death. Got any sassy comments for those patients? the paucity of evidence that cannabis oil is a highly effective treatment for cancer of any kind. Thanks for the tip; I used to just close my eyes. LOS ANGELES It has been widely reported that Elvis Presley died in 1977 from cardiac arrhythmia, an irregular heartbeat, possibly brought on by drug dependency, obesity and a weak heart. just plain hamsters, that I initially mistook for guinea pigs, which they were, but not literally. Nobody sees this??? "You're on their list. :-). That was my favorite Eccleston Doctor story. Dr. Nick died in 2016 at the age of 88. And Hoxsey. They certainly do -- they were far worse than the results with patients using the conventional treatments. Add to that the time, expense and sheer inconvenience taken up with twice-daily enemas, and I'm surprised that as many as three patients made it to the end of the trial! Heh. ???????? riviera simpsons simpson medico irriverente toscano Lord Draconis bought the government years ago. Keep taking your medicine folks and pick out your headstones fairly quickly. On August 16, 1977, fans all over the world mourned the death of Elvis Presley at the age of 42. When you look at large numbers with a conspiratorial eye, you can always find small series individual cases of people belonging to a group (alternative medicine practitioners, for instance) who appear to share some trait in common if that trait is defined vaguely enough. If the investigations are fairly carried out Gonzalez will be vindicated. While we will not reinvent the wheel by detailing each individual death leading to the 77th, because all the information can be found at the link above, we will highlight some of those that can logically be considered mysterious. I will aver that anyone who pimps for cancer quackery in internet forums is an accomplice to murder, and merits not snark, but straight-faced moral outrage and disgust. And Pilate did not stay for an answer. The same would apply to the hit squads. The wonderful, young Paige Adams FNP, B-C, who also lived up the road from us, was found dead in her home.

Posted by Kelly Brogan MD, http://kellybroganmd.com/article/celebrating-dr-nicholas-gonzalez-legen. Your poking fun at these dead doctors seems to be built on the premise that they were harming and extorting people - something which of course has never existed in mainstream medicine has it?! assassinated by a big pharma black ops team, announced first the day after his death by Ty Bollinger, The beloved holistic Theresa Sievers MD was found murdered in her home. Regardless of whether you are right or wrong, it still shows bad character to use a jovial, mocking tone when talking about people who are no longer here to defend themselves. However, before somebody must prove that it's safe and effective before it can be considered a treatment that can be prescribed to cure disease. Some other Chris: " ONLY BULLYING THE REAL HEALERS!". Who are you to say that alternative methods have no validity. I was the only one she told as it was to be kept confidential". The above statement is only an opinion. It is very easy for humans to fool themselves into thinking they have seen a pattern or association when they haven't. The only way to be sure is to use some kind of randomized clinical trial to eliminate cognitive biases. Cancer research is a billion dollar 'business'. That means little to a person (like my mother-in-law) who has been discharged by her allopathic physician, and is willing to try alternative care.

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